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@auth/fastify is currently experimental. The API will change in the future.

Fastify Auth is the official Fastify integration for Auth.js. It provides a simple way to add authentication to your Fastify app in a few lines of code.


npm install @auth/fastify


import { FastifyAuth } from "@auth/fastify"
import formbodyParser from "@fastify/formbody"
import GitHub from "@auth/fastify/providers/github"
import Fastify from "fastify"

// If app is served through a proxy, trust the proxy to allow HTTPS protocol to be detected
const fastify = Fastify({ trustProxy: true });

// Make sure to use a form body parser so Auth.js can receive data from the client

fastify.register(FastifyAuth({ providers: [ GitHub ] }), { prefix: '/auth' })

Don't forget to set the AUTH_SECRET environment variable. This should be a minimum of 32 characters, random string. On UNIX systems you can use openssl rand -hex 32 or check out

You will also need to load the environment variables into your runtime environment. For example in Node.js with a package like dotenv or Deno.env in Deno.

Provider Configuration​

The callback URL used by the providers must be set to the following, unless you mount the FastifyAuth handler on a different path:


Signing in and signing out​

Once your application is mounted you can sign in or out by making requests to the following REST API endpoints from your client-side code. NB: Make sure to include the csrfToken in the request body for all sign-in and sign-out requests.

Managing the session​

If you are using Fastify with a template engine (e.g @fastify/view with EJS, Pug), you can make the session data available to all routes via a preHandler hook as follows

import { getSession } from "@auth/fastify"

// Decorating the reply is not required but will optimise performance
fastify.decorateReply('session', null)

export async function authSession(req: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) {
reply.session = await getSession(req, authConfig)

fastify.addHook("preHandler", authSession)

// Now in your route
fastify.get("/", (req, reply) => {
const session = reply.session;
reply.view("index.pug", { user: session?.user })

Note for TypeScript, you may want to augment the Fastify types to include the session property on the reply object. This can be done by creating a @types/fastify/index.d.ts file:

import { Session } from "@auth/core/types";
declare module "fastify" {
interface FastifyReply {
session: Session | null;

You may need to add "typeRoots": ["@types"] to compilerOptions in your tsconfig.json.


You can protect routes with hooks by checking for the presence of a session and then redirect to a login page if the session is not present.

export async function authenticatedUser(
req: FastifyRequest,
reply: FastifyReply
) {
reply.session ??= await getSession(req, authConfig);
if (!reply.session?.user) {

Per Route​

To protect a single route, simply register the preHandler hook to the route as follows:

// This route is protected
fastify.get("/profile", { preHandler: [authenticatedUser] }, (req, reply) => {
const session = reply.session;
reply.view("profile.pug", { user: session?.user })

// This route is not protected
fastify.get("/", (req, reply) => {

Per Group of Routes​

To protect a group of routes, create a plugin and register the authenication hook and routes to the instance as follows:

async (instance) => {
// All routes on this instance will be protected because of the preHandler hook
instance.addHook("preHandler", authenticatedUser)

instance.get("/", (req, reply) => {

instance.get("/me", (req, reply) => {
{ prefix: "/protected" }


Usually contains information about the provider being used and also extends TokenSet, which is different tokens returned by OAuth Providers.


  • Partial< OpenIDTokenEndpointResponse >



provider: string;

Provider's id for this account. Eg.: "google"


providerAccountId: string;

This value depends on the type of the provider being used to create the account.

  • oauth/oidc: The OAuth account's id, returned from the profile() callback.
  • email: The user's email address.
  • credentials: id returned from the authorize() callback


type: ProviderType;

Provider's type for this account


expires_at?: number;

Calculated value based on [OAuth2TokenEndpointResponse.expires_in]([object Object]).

It is the absolute timestamp (in seconds) when the [OAuth2TokenEndpointResponse.access_token]([object Object]) expires.

This value can be used for implementing token rotation together with [OAuth2TokenEndpointResponse.refresh_token]([object Object]).



userId?: string;

id of the user this account belongs to



The user info returned from your OAuth provider.



The active session of the logged in user.


  • DefaultSession


The shape of the returned object in the OAuth providers' profile callback, available in the jwt and session callbacks, or the second parameter of the session callback, when using a database.